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ESL Documentation

To use DB/Assist effectively, you should be an experienced ESL programmer who is familiar with the following.

The ESL development environment

Microsoft Windows Operating System


Structured Query Language (SQL)

You should be able to do the following:

Start Windows Explorer.

Use a text editor to create and modify an ESL application.

Use Windows Explorer to compile and run an ESL application.

You should know how to use windowed Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications in a Windows environment. Specifically, you should be able to:

Move and size windows.

Access pull-down menus and select menu choices using the mouse or keyboard.

Complete dialog boxes.


You should understand the programming concepts necessary for building applications that access UDB/DB2 databases.

You should understand the basic concepts of SQL and database connectivity. Specifically, you should be familiar with valid SQL syntax for building the types of SQL statements required by your application. These can include some or all of the following:

SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements, including SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT.

SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) statements, such as CREATE TABLE and DROP.

SQL Data Control Language (DCL) statements, such as GRANT and REVOKE.