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ESL Documentation

You must terminate the application, close the project, or terminate QuikStep to end the debugging link between QuikStep and the application.

When you terminate the application, the following message appears from QuikStep:

"ESL runtime debug conversation ended."

When you terminate QuikStep or close the project while debugging, the following message appears:

"Debugging session with ESL runtime will now be ended."

There are some conditions under which the ESL runtime can abort without properly terminating its conversation with QuikStep, notably if you get a General Protection Fault (GPF) in the runtime or one of its Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs). If you find that one of these messages does not appear, or if you are unable to start debugging again after ending a debugging session, close the project and reopen it to clear the conversation.


1.Select Color -> Exit from the application’s menu and terminate the application.

2.Close your project and, if prompted, save it.