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ESL Documentation

Having built and tested your web services interface routines, you are now ready to include them into your production applications.

The following is a check list of tasks you need to complete:

Copy the EslWeb dynamic link library (i.e. ESLWeb.dll) from its current location amongst the Sample on a Development workstation to the main ESL directory (i.e. the same location as the ESL Runtime - EslRun.exe) on all machines that will be using these functions.

On the Development workstations, either copy the EslWeb include file (i.e. to the include sub-directory of the main ESL directory or add the existing location of the file to the include path (i.e. INCPATH) within the ESL configuration file.

At the start of your applications source code file, add the "include" statement for file.

To make your web services interface routine available throughout the application we suggest you include subroutine prototypes before any routines are defined, for example:


subroutine CelsiusToFahrenheit(float: Celsius_FV,

                               float: Fahrenheit_FV)