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ESL Documentation

 Action Statement

Add an item to an action bar or pulldown at runtime.

add item ITEM_NAME1 to 

{action bar|pulldown PD_NAME [from AB_NAME]}


[{before|after} item ITEM_NAME2 [from AB_NAME] ]



The identifier for a pulldown or button to be added to an action bar; it is also the identifier for a choice or separator to be added to a pulldown.


The identifier for a pulldown.


The identifier for an action bar template. The action bar name must be specified if more than one template contains an item of the given name. It cannot be specified if the item was defined outside of an action bar template.


The identifier for a region.


The identifier for a class of regions.


The identifier for an item in an action bar or pulldown.


When adding to an action bar, if you do not specify the before/after clause, the item will be added at the end of the action bar. If you have buttons in an action bar, add pulldowns before the first button item.

When adding to a pulldown, if you do not specify the before/after clause, the item will be added to the end of the pulldown.

You cannot use from AB_NAME if the pulldown was added dynamically.

Item definitions added at runtime must be added to classes in order for you to write responses for them.



string         Del_Char_SV

integer         lineNo_IV


action bar Phone_List_AB is

 pulldown File_Choices_PD text "~File"

         choice Open_MC text "~Open..."

         choice Save_As_MC text "~Save As"

 end pulldown

end action bar


choice Delete text "~Delete"


response to Phone_LB

 copy selected line from Phone_LB to lineNo_IV

 extract from textual line lineNo_IV from Phone_LB

 take 1 Del_Char

 if (Del_Char = "*") then

         add item Delete to pulldown File_Choices_PD from

 Phone_List_AB in Phone_Region

end if

See Also

action bar Attribute Definition

pulldown Definition