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ESL Documentation

Field Types

Performs EBCDIC to ASCII conversion. The conversion is performed in place, meaning that the EBCDIC contents of the string variable will be replaced with the converted ASCII string.

Note: You do not need to use this subroutine if a value of APPC_Convert is used for the AUTO_CONVERT argument on the APPCSendString call.


subroutine APPCConvertE2A( integer:CONVERSATION_ID,

                           string: STRING,




                           integer:EBCDIC_TABLE )
                  library "eslappc"


CONVERSATION_ID is an integer variable containing the conversation identifier (handle) for the APPC conversation returned by either APPCStart or APPCAcceptStart.

STRING is a string variable containing the EBCDIC string to be converted to ASCII. When the conversion is complete, this string contains ASCII characters.

INDEX_START is an integer variable indicating the position of the first character in the string to be converted. The first character of a string is indexed by one. Zero can be used as a default value to mean start with the first character.

INDEX_END is an integer variable indicating the position of the last character in the string to be converted. The number of characters in the string is equal to the index to the last character position. Zero can be used as a default value to indicate the last character.

ASCII_TABLE is an integer variable representing the ASCII code page to use for conversion. If this value is zero, the ASCII code page specified in the ESL APPC profile is used.

EBCDIC_TABLE is an integer variable representing the EBCDIC code page to use for conversion. If this value is zero, the EBCDIC code page specified in the ESL APPC profile is used.



Normal completion.


Out of memory.


Error on character conversion.


Invalid argument: CONVERSATION_ID


Invalid argument: INDEX_START


Invalid argument: INDEX_END


Invalid string variable.


Invalid argument: ASCII_TABLE


Invalid argument: EBCDIC_TABLE


Unexpected error on call to ESL routine.


Unexpected error encountered.


copy 0 to Zero

call APPCConvertE2A ( ConvID,      # Handle from Start/AcceptStart
                      String,      # Convert string to ASCII
                      Zero, Zero,  # Convert the entire string
                      Zero, Zero ) # Use the default code pages