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ESL Documentation

Field Types

Obtains a copy of the conversation characteristics for the CONVERSATION_ID specified in the call.


subroutine APPCGetInfo(integer:CONVERSATION_ID,

                       string: APPC_TP_ID,


                       string: NET_NAME,

                       string: LOCAL_LU_NAME,

                       string: LOCAL_LU_ALIAS_NAME,

                       string: PARTNER_LU_ALIAS_NAME,

                       string: PARTNER_LU_UNINTERPRETED_NAME,

                       string: FULLYQUAL_PARTNER_LU_NAME,

                       string: PARTNER_TP_NAME,

                       string: MODE_NAME,


                       string: USER_ID)

          library "eslappc"



CONVERSATION_ID is an integer variable containing the ESL APPC identifier for the conversation. This identifier is obtained when the user issues a call to the APPCStart or APPCAcceptStart subroutines and is associated with an ESL APPC conversation. It should not be confused with the APPC_CONVERSATION_ID argument also described here.

Note:        The CONVERSATION_ID argument is the only one that you need to specify for this subroutine call. If the subroutine executes successfully, all other arguments are filled in for you with the conversation information that you are retrieving. The other arguments are described here only to help you evaluate their contents.

APPC_TP_ID is a string variable that is set to the identifier of the transaction program. This string represents APPC_TP_ID as a sequence of hexadecimal digits. This is the value returned when a TP_STARTED or a RECEIVE_ALLOCATE APPC verb is issued.

APPC_CONVERSATION_ID is an integer variable that is set to the APPC identifier of the conversation. This is the value returned when an MC_ALLOCATE or a RECEIVE_ALLOCATE APPC verb is issued.

NET_NAME is a string variable that is set to the name of the network in which the logical unit (LU) of the local transaction program resides. This EBCDIC value is returned as an ASCII string.

LOCAL_LU_NAME is a string variable that is set to the name of the logical unit (LU) of the local transaction program. This EBCDIC value is returned as an ASCII string.

LOCAL_LU_ALIAS_NAME is a string variable that is set to the locally-known name for the logical unit (LU).

PARTNER_LU_ALIAS_NAME is a string variable that is set to the locally-known name of the partner logical unit (LU).

PARTNER_LU_UNINTERPRETED_NAME is a string variable that is set to the name of the partner logical unit (LU). This is the name sent to the System Service Control Point while attempting to activate a session with the partner. This EBCDIC value is returned as an ASCII string.

FULLYQUAL_PARTNER_LU_NAME is a string variable that is set to the fully-qualified network name of the remote logical unit (LU) that is defined as a partner for the local LU. The fully-qualified name consists of the name of the network of the partner LU, a period, and the LU name as it is known in the network of the partner LU. This EBCDIC value is returned as an ASCII string.

PARTNER_TP_NAME is a string variable that is set to the name of the partner transaction program (TP). Its maximum length is 64 characters. This EBCDIC value is returned as an ASCII string.

MODE_NAME is a string variable that is set to the mode name. The mode identifies the characteristics of the allocated session. This EBCDIC value is returned as an ASCII string.

SYNC_LEVEL is an integer variable that is set to the synchronization level that the local and partner TPs can use. Its values are:


The conversation cannot use any ESL APPC subroutines related to synchronization and will not recognize any partners that use them.


The conversation can use ESL APPC subroutines related to synchronization and must not ignore a partner that uses them.


USER_ID is a string variable that is set to the user ID that the initiating program provided in the incoming allocation request. This EBCDIC value is returned as an ASCII string.


This subroutine is provided as an aid to the ESL developer. It returns information to help debug configuration problems or to follow traces. Many of the arguments are identical to ones used in the communications program configuration profiles. This subroutine should be called after an APPC_Started event notification is received.



Normal completion.


Information not available until APPC_Started event notification is received.


Out of memory.


Invalid argument: CONVERSATION_ID


Unexpected error on call to ESL routine.


Unexpected error encountered.


Call APPCGetSystemError to get error information returned in PRIMARY_ERROR_CODE and SECONDARY_ERROR_CODE.


response to start

   call APPCGetInfo ( Conv_ID, # ID returned from APPCStart
                      LocalLU_Alias, # "LU1" example name
                      PartnerLU_Alias, # "LU4" example name
                      PartnerTP, # "MYPROFILE" example name
                      Mode, # "TKNRING" example name
                      SyncLevel, # APPC_Confirm example result
                      UserID )