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ESL Documentation

Configuration Command

Set the break string you want prepended to a compute row.

break [STRING] 


A string value representing the text you want displayed as the break string. If you do not include a string, the break string is reset to the default ("").


Note: This command does not apply to DB/2 or ORACLE.

The break string is the string prepended to compute rows that result from a query. For instance, the query

select * from titles, compute sum (royalty) 

will generate one row for each record in the titles table, and one compute row for the royalty sum. If the break string is non-null, the string and the name of the aggregate function that produced the row (in this case, sum) are prepended to the compute row (in this case, the royalty column). In this example, if the break string is set to BREAK, then the output might be

BREAK sum 2010.99 

When this command is issued, the string is the rest of the command line, including white space, up to the statement terminator. This means the break string can be more than one word. To enter leading spaces or tabs, use the backslash (\) character.

Oracle Only

Because ORACLE does not return compute results, this command does not apply. A string is accepted and appears in the current configuration display, but is not used otherwise.


response to start 

   start local SQL "eslsqlms"

   send "break BREAK \n" to SQL 


response to line "BREAK " from SQL # Process the compute row.