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ESL Documentation

The ODBC SQL grammar defines three sets of SQL data types, each of which is a superset of the previous set.

Minimum -SQL data types provide a basic level of ODBC conformance.

Core -SQL data types are the data types in the X/Open and SQL Access Group CAE SQL draft specification and are supported by most SQL data sources.

Extended -SQL data types are additional data types supported by some SQL data sources.

A given driver and data source do not necessarily support all of the SQL data types defined in the ODBC grammar. To determine which data types a driver supports, call EDSGetInfo with the EDS_ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE flag. Drivers that support every core data type return 1 and drivers that support every core and every extended data type return 2. To determine whether a specific data type is supported, call EDSGetTypeInfo with the SQLTYPE argument set to that data type.