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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Call a subroutine.

call SUBROUTINE_NAME([ARG1 [,ARG2] ...])


The identifier for a previously defined subroutine.

ARG1, ARG2,...

The parameter variables of the subroutine. (They must be enclosed in parentheses.)


The call statement syntax is the same for ESL subroutines and for library subroutines.

The parameter variables used in the call statement ([ARG1 [,ARG2]...]) must be the same number and type as those defined in the ARGLIST of the subroutine declaration or definition.

Note that you cannot pass array variables to ESL subroutines, although you can pass array elements.



response to item Open_MC from MainWindow_AB in Main_Window_GR

 copy true to New_Mail_SV

 copy "" to Message_Name_SV

 call SetupMail_DB (New_Mail_SV, Message_Name_SV)


response to ShowReport_CL

 copy parameter of object to Report_SV

 call ShowReport(Report_SV)

See Also

subroutine declaration