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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Change the text of a column heading.

change column COL_ID of TABLE_NAME heading to TEXT


The identifier for the column whose heading text you want to change.


The identifier for a table.


The text you want to replace the current column heading.


Use this statement to change the heading text of a specified column. If the column headings were not defined as text, then this statement is ignored.

If the program is compiled with External Strings, then any string literals used in this statement will be externalized.



response to item ColHeading_MC from Menu_AB

 action GetColStr

 if (InputOK_BV) then

         copy "change column " Col_IV " of Table heading

           to \"" Str_SV "\"" to MsgStr_SV

         action SendMsg

         change column Col_IV of Table_TBL heading to Str_SV

 end if

See Also

table Object Definition

heading of column Built-in Function