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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Change the viewport size of a region, a class of regions, or a dialog control.




The identifier for a region.


The identifier for a class of regions.


The identifier for a dialog control.


Change the viewport size by X and Y coordinates relative to the current viewport size of the region, in the coordinate system of its parent. XOFFSET and YOFFSET must be integer values.

to X Y

Change the viewport size to the absolute X and Y coordinates specified, in the coordinate system of its parent. X and Y must be integer values representing the absolute coordinates of the object's new origin.


Use this statement to change the viewport size of a graphical region, image region, textual region, sense region, dialog region, dialog box, class of regions, or dialog control (including a table).

Using the change size statement for a textual region or a region with the no scale attribute specified also changes its window size.

Dialog regions are always defined in dialog units no matter what the coordinate system of the parent may be.



response to ReducePad_PB

 change Pad_GR size by 30 60


textual region ReportRegion_TR

 size 300 100

 at 10 10 in PrimaryWindow_GR


response to item Zoom_MC from ActBar_AB in PrimaryWindow_GR

 change ReportRegion_TR size to 500 200

See Also

change window size Action Statement