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ESL Documentation

Retrieve a copy of the updated CommArea.




The address of the CICS parameter block. This block contains a field that is the address of the CICS CommArea; this area will be updated with the CICS generated data. Immediately before calling CICSGetData, you should always update the EciParms CommArea to contain the correct handle of value for the specific CommArea related to the ProgramID.


The program ID (which must have been returned from CICSInitiate) identifies the program data that the caller wishes to retrieve.


This subroutine retrieves a copy of the CommArea updated by CICS when the CICS program has successfully completed.

This subroutine should not be called until the ESLCICS CICSData event has been invoked. The program ID should always be the value of the eventparam that accompanied the event.

Return Value

A return value of 0 indicates that the CommArea has been successfully updated. A non zero value indicates that an error has occurred.

Note: Once the program ID has been retrieved for a particular program via CICSGetData, it is no longer valid and may not be used again. Data for a given program may be retrieved only once.