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Code Generation-Statement Options Dialog Box

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Use this dialog box to specify code generation options for each SQL statement that you create in the SQL Access Module (SAM).


Statement Type

Displays the current statement type.


Action Routine Name

Specifies the action routine name that DB/Assist will append to the prefix OPEN_, FETCH_, CLOSE_, or EXECUTE_. The default is the statement name.


WHENEVER Processing

Use to specify an action that your EASEL program should take when it executes the generated code for this SQL statement and finds any of the following exception conditions:

SQL system error

SQL system warning

No rows found

The default error handling for the SAM, specified in the Code Generation Options dialog box, will apply unless you change this for a specific statement.


Cursor Options

Use to specify a cursor name, and whether the cursor is declared FOR FETCH ONLY and WITH HOLD. This is enabled only for multi-row SELECT statements.



Sets the selected options and saves them in the SAM.



Closes the dialog box without performing any action.



Displays help for the dialog box.