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ESL Documentation

Invoked in:        


Message from Partner:




This event is invoked in a server as notification that the DDE DLL has accepted a conversation on its behalf.  (Note that this implies that the ESL program has called the DDERegisterServer subroutine.) The DDE DLL invokes one of these events for each conversation that it accepts on behalf of the server.

Default Processing:

Whether default processing is turned on or off, the conversation is accepted if the requested application/topic name matches a pair registered by the server.  At the time this event is invoked, the default processing has already been carried out.  The ESL program may not do any DDE protocol-related processing.

Available Queries:




response to stimulus DDE DDE_INITIATE

   copy eventparam to ConvID[NumConvs_IV]

   copy (NumConvs_IV + 1) to NumConvs_IV