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ESL Documentation


Return the error string associated with an error identifier.


DDEGetErrorString ( ErrorID_IV )


ErrorID_IV is an integer value representing an error identifier obtained from a call to DDEGetErrorID.


Called by client or server. This function accepts an error identifier (ID) and returns the error string associated with that ID. The error string is a textual description of the error identified in the errorlog. (See Recognizing DDE Errors.)


response to stimulus DDE DDE_ERROR

   copy eventparam to ConvID_IV

   if (not(ConvID_IV = 0)) then

     copy DDEGetErrorID(ConvID_IV) to ErrorID_IV

     copy DDEGetErrorString(ErrorID_IV) to ErrorString_SV


     copy -1 to ErrorID_IV

     copy "null Conversation ID" to ErrorString_SV

   end if