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ESL Documentation


Compose private status values prior to calling DDEAck.  


DDESetPrivateStatus ( Status_IV, PrivateStatus_IV )


Status_IV is a DDE integer status value which may already have encoded status flags.

PrivateStatus_IV is an integer value from 0 to 255, which is defined for use by the client and server.


Called by client or server.  This function is used to compose private status values prior to calling DDEAck.


This function accepts a DDE status value and an integer.  It returns the new status value that encodes the integer into the old value.


response to stimulus DDE DDE_POKE

   copy eventparam to ConvID_IV

   copy DDEGetStatus(ConvID_IV) to Status_IV

   copy DDEGetFormat(ConvID_IV) to Format_SV

   copy DDEGetItemName(ConvID_IV) to ItemName_SV

   copy DDEGetStringData(ConvID_IV) to DataString_SV

   if (ProcessPokeData(ConvID_IV, ItemName_SV, Format_SV, DataString_SV)) then

      copy DDE_FACK to AckStatus_IV

      copy DDESetPrivateStatus(AckStatus_IV, PokeAckStatus_IV) to AckStatus_IV


      copy 0 to AckStatus_IV

   end if

   call DDEAck(ConvID_IV, ItemName_SV, Format_SV, AckStatus_IV)