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ESL Documentation


Terminate a conversation.


call DDETerminate ( ConvID_IV )


ConvID_IV is an integer value representing the conversation ID assigned by the DDE DLL.


Called by client or server.  This subroutine terminates a conversation.  The DDE protocol allows either partner to terminate a conversation at any time.


You can use this subroutine to:

Voluntarily terminate a conversation.

Respond to a partner-initiated termination.


The application that receives the termination event is required to respond by posting an acknowledging terminate event.  No other responses are acceptable.


If you call this subroutine to voluntarily terminate a conversation, the DDE DLL will, at some time in the future, invoke a DDE_TERMINATE event when the partner acknowledges the termination.


An error message is generated if a DDE message is received (other than DDE_TERMINATE) after the DDE_TERMINATE function is called for a conversation.


Posts a WM_DDE_TERMINATE message to the conversation partner.


response to PrimaryWindow

    # Get ConvID

    on close

      call DDETerminate (ConvID_IV)