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ESL Documentation


Remove an application/topic pair form a list of pairs that the caller is willing to serve.


call DDEUnRegisterServer ( AppName_SV, Topic_SV )


AppName_SV is a string value representing the DDE application name passed to DDERegisterServer.

Topic_SV is a string value representing the topic passed to DDERegisterServer.


Called by the server.  This subroutine removes an application/topic pair from the list of pairs for which the caller is willing to serve.


This subroutine has no effect on existing, active conversations.  Once an application/topic pair is removed from the list, the DDE DLL will no longer accept conversations that specify that pair.


response to Unregister

   copy "EaselApp" to AppName_SV

   copy "Hotlink" to Topic_SV

   call DDEUnRegisterServer (AppName_SV, Topic_SV)