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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Remove an item, or a class of items, from a class.

delete item {ITEM_NAME [from AB_NAME]|ITEM_CLASS_NAME}

from item class ITEM_CLASS_NAME


The identifier for a pulldown, button, choice, or separator.

from AB_NAME

The identifier for an action bar template. You must specify the action bar name if more than one template contains an item of the given name. You cannot specify the action bar name if the item was defined outside of an action bar template.


The identifier for a class of items.


Deleting an item, or a class of items, from a class has no effect on the existence or attributes of the item itself; the item still exists. Deleting an item from a class results in:

Selection of the specified item no longer invokes the responses that were defined for the class.

Action statements that reference the class no longer affect that item.

When an item is a member of more than one class, deleting it from one class has no effect on its membership in other classes.

If from AB_NAME was specified when the item was added to the item class, then you must specify it in the delete item statement. If from AB_NAME was not specified when the item was added to the item class, then do not specify it in the delete item statement.



response to DeleteIt_PB

 delete item MoreInfo_MC from item class Information_CL


response to item CreateKeys_MC

 delete item Option_PB from item class CreateKeys_CL

See Also

add item to item class Action Statement