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ESL Documentation

Core subroutine

Prepare and execute a statement.


HSTMT_IV An input integer value indicating the statement handle.

SQLSTMT_SV An input string value containing the SQL statement to be executed.


EDSExecDirect is the fastest way to submit a SQL string for one-time execution. The ESL application calls EDSExecDirect to send a SQL string to the driver. The driver then submits the SQL string to the data source.

If the SQL statement is a SELECT statement, and if your application called EDSSetCursorName to associate a cursor with a statement handle, then the driver uses the specified cursor. Otherwise, the driver generates a cursor name.

If the data source is in manual-commit mode (requiring explicit transaction initiation), and a transaction has not already been initiated, the driver begins a transaction prior to submitting the statement.

If your application uses EDSExecDirect to submit a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement, it will not be interoperable between DBMS products.  To commit or roll back a transaction, call EDSTransact.

If EDSExecDirect encounters an EDS_DATA_AT_EXEC parameter, it returns EDS_NEED_DATA. Your application sends the data using EDSParamData and EDSPutData. See EDSSetParam, EDSParamOptions, EDSParamData, and EDSPutData for more information.

Some data sources return informational messages after processing SQL commands. For example, Microsoft SQL Server returns a message when the database context changes. When such information is returned to the driver, EDSExecDirect returns EDS_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. Your application can call EDSError to retrieve the message.

Return Values


When EDSExecDirect returns EDS_ERROR, you can obtain an associated SQLSTATE value with more specific information by calling EDSError. The following table lists each typical SQLSTATE value and explains each one in the context of the command EDSExecDirect.

The following table lists possible SQLSTATE values.






Privilege not revoked

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a REVOKE statement and the user did not have the specified privilege. (Function returns EDS_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.)


Wrong number of parameters

The number of parameters specified in EDSSetParam was less than the number of parameters in the SQL statement contained in the argument SQLSTMT_SV.


Communication link failure

The communication link between the driver and the data source to which the driver was connected failed before the function completed processing.


Insert value list does not match column list

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained an INSERT statement and the number of values to be inserted did not match the degree of the derived table.


Degree of derived table does not match column list

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a CREATE VIEW statement and the number of names specified is not the same degree as the derived table defined by the query specification.


String data right truncation

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a SQL statement that contained a character parameter or literal and the value exceeded the maximum length of the associated table column.


Numeric value

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a SQL out of range statement that contained a numeric parameter or literal and the value caused the whole part of the number to be truncated when assigned to the associated table column.


Error in assignment

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a SQL statement that contained a parameter or literal and the value was incompatible with the data type of the associated table column.


Datetime field

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a SQL overflow statement that contained a date, time, or timestamp parameter or literal and the value was, respectively, an invalid date, time, or timestamp.


Division by zero

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a SQL statement that contained an arithmetic expression that caused division by zero.


String data, length

The data sent for a parameter was less than the mismatch length of data required. Typically, returned for EDS_SQL_LONGVARCHAR or EDS_SQL_LONGVARBINARY.


Integrity constraint violation

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a SQL statement that contained a parameter or literal. The parameter value was NULL for a column defined as NOT NULL in the associated table column, a duplicate value was supplied for a column constrained to contain only unique values, or some other integrity constraint was violated.


Invalid cursor state

Results were pending on the statement handle from a previous SELECT statement or a cursor associated with the statement handle had not been closed.


Invalid cursor

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a name dynamic positioned DELETE or a dynamic positioned UPDATE and the cursor referenced by the statement being prepared was not open.


Syntax error or access violation

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a SQL statement that was not preparable or contained a syntax error.


Serialization failure

The transaction to which the SQL statement contained in the argument SQLSTMT_SV belonged was terminated to prevent deadlock.


Syntax error or access violation

The user did not have permission to execute the SQL statement contained in the argument SQLSTMT_SV.


Driver does not support this function

The driver associated with the statement handle does not support the function.


Base table or view already exists

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a CREATE TABLE or CREATE VIEW statement and the table name or view name specified already exists.


Table or view not found

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a DROP TABLE or a DROP VIEW statement and the specified table name or view name did not exist. The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained an ALTER TABLE statement and the specified table name did not exist. The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a CREATE VIEW statement and a table name or view name defined by the query specification did not exist. The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a CREATE INDEX statement and the specified table name did not exist. The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a GRANT or REVOKE statement and the specified table name or view name did not exist. The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a SELECT statement and a specified table name or view name did not exist. The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement and the specified table name did not exist.


Index already exists

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a CREATE INDEX statement and the specified index name already existed.


Index not found

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a DROP INDEX statement and the specified index name did not exist.


Column already exists

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained an ALTER TABLE statement and the column specified in the ADD clause is not unique or identifies an existing column in the base table.


Column not found

The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a CREATE INDEX statement and one or more of the column names specified in the column list did not exist. The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a GRANT or REVOKE statement and the specified column name did not exist. The argument SQLSTMT_SV contained a SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement and the specified column name did not exist.


General error

An error occurred for which there was no specific SQLSTATE and for which no implementation-specific SQLSTATE was defined. The error message returned by EDSError in the argument ERRORTEXT describes the error and its cause.


Memory allocation failure

The driver was unable to allocate memory required to support execution or completion of the function.


Operation cancelled

Asynchronous processing was enabled for the statement handle. The function was called and before it completed execution, EDSCancel was called on the statement handle. Then the function was called again on the statement handle.


Invalid argument

The argument SQLSTMT_SV was a null value. value


Function sequence

An asynchronously executing function (not this error one) was called for the statement handle and was still executing when this function was called.


Timeout expired

The timeout period expired before the data source returned the result set. The timeout period is set through EDSSetStmtOption, EDS_QUERY_TIMEOUT.

See Also

EDSBindCol assigns an ESL variable for a column in the result set.
EDSCancel cancels statement processing.
EDSExecute executes a prepared statement.
EDSFetch, EDSGetData, and EDSExtendedFetch retrieve data.
EDSGetCursorName returns a cursor name.
EDSPrepare prepares a statement for later execution.
EDSPutData and EDSParamData send large data values.
EDSSetCursorName specifies a cursor name.
EDSSetParam assigns an ESL variable for a parameter.
EDSSetStmtOption specifies asynchronous execution.
EDSTransact executes a commit or rollback operation.