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The Error Log

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The Layout Editor notifies you of any errors or warnings it encounters while reading in an ESL program or include file.  The errors and warnings are listed in the error log.

If the Layout Editor encounters a syntax error for an object, the Layout Editor's knowledge of that object and its children is affected.  Those objects will not be shown.  However, other objects will be read in correctly.  Don't hesitate to proceed with editing any object which the Layout Editor displays.  The edits you make will be saved correctly to object definitions.

If the Layout Editor encounters a syntax error which is not related to the objects in your program, you can continue your editing session.  For instance, if there were a syntax error in a subroutine definition or an action, the Layout Editor will still handle all the objects correctly.

If you expect to see objects in the Layout Editor but do not see them, there may be errors in your opened file.