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Q10 The examples do not compile, what do I need to do?

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If you get the following message;

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'xxxxx.h': No such file or directory

then you need to ensure the ESL include directory is added to the include path in Visual Studio Environment.

To add the path for includes;

1.Select Tools from the Main Menu

2.Click on the Options... menu choice

3.On the dialog that appears, click on the "Directories" tab

4.Ensure the "include files" option appears in the "Show Directories for" pull down list box

5.Double click on the empty dotted box, that appears at the bottom of the main list of currently included directories

6.Entry the full path to the ESL include directory, or use the "..." push button to start the browse facility

7.Once the ESL include directory has been added, OK the Options dialog box.

If you get the following message;

      LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "xxxxxx.lib"

then you need to ensure the ESL Lib directory is added to the include path in Visual Studio Environment.

To add the path for libraries;

1.Select Tools from the Main Menu

2.Click on the Options... menu choice

3.On the dialog that appears, click on the "Directories" tab

4.Ensure the "Library Files" option appears in the "Show Directories for" pull down list box

5.Double click on the empty dotted box, that appears at the bottom of the main list of currently included directories

6.Entry the full path to the ESL Lib directory, or use the "..." push button to start the browse facility

7.Once the ESL library directory has been added, OK the Options dialog box.