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Q13 How will I know that the SQL Statements have been compiled successfully?

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A Log window which indicates the success or failure of the compilation will automatically appear when you compile a SAM. The errors and corrections to these errors will vary depending on which step of the compilation has failed. If the compilation has failed, the following list of steps should help correct the problem:

Verify each SQL statement to ensure the syntax is correct.

Ensure each linked variable is of the correct type.

Ensure variables are linked to each SQL statement.  

Ensure that the correct number of variables are associated with a multiple row selection statement. This can occur if you add or delete rows associated with a Multi Row SQL statement directly through the MLE in DB/Assist. If you get this error open the LINK VARIABLES DIALOG. When this dialog is open you must explicitly click on the OK push button to re-associate the variables that are associated with the Multi-row Select SQL statement.