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Q9 What does a positive SQLCODE mean?

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A positive SQLCODE indicates that a SQLWARNING has occurred while executing a call into the EDB2.DLL. By default, the ESL code will continue executing when this condition is met; however you can override this behavior by changing the setting specified in the Code Generation Options dialog box. To do this select "SQL Access Module > Options >Code Generation" from the DB/Assist action bar. When the Code Generation Options dialog appears, uncheck the Continue check box associated with a SQL Warning and enter the name of the user written action routine into the entry field. The action routine you have specified will now be called whenever a SQLWARNING condition occurs.

It is suggested that this user written action routine, which can be called EDB2WhenverWarning, handles the SQLWARNING condition and displays a dialog box which indicates the message associated with the SQLCODE to the end-user. This dialog should have two push buttons to either commit or rollback the transaction.