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Q16 How does ESL compare to 'C'?

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Both ESL and 'C' are traditional block structure languages, which will help 'C' programmers adapt to our language. For many programming  tasks, ESL requires less code. For example approximately 10 lines of ESL code will create one graphical region with text, while the same region, created using 'C', is about 4 to 5 pages of code.  (Dialogs and controls are handled differently, so this example does not apply to them).  We try not to focus on this sort of calculation because it is not universally accurate.

The example is also not very accurate in terms of large applications because some of the code could be reused by other regions. There is also internal processing that the ESL runtime performs.  It would be extremely difficult to try to determine how to equate this to lines of code in a users application.

There are also cases where the amount of 'C' code needed for a specific task would be less than the amount of ESL code to perform the same task.  Converting a string of characters to all uppercase using only ESL code would take approximately 15 to 20 lines of code, while the equivalent in 'C' is 1 function call.  It really depends on exactly what the application does and how efficiently it does it.

It is important to note that there are tasks for which we suggest and use languages other than ESL to do certain tasks (i.e. DLLs or locals).   It is a matter of using the proper tool for the job.  ESL is a strong integration tool as well as an application development language.