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Q20 What Memory settings should I be using?

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Having done your analysis of how your program uses memory, you will now want to decide what to do about it.  Here are some general guidelines on setting the PRGMAX:

Before you deploy your application, you should perform stress testing within a pseudo live environment.

Before closing the application, run the “EslMemStats” routine, to print a final “snapshoot “ of the applications memory requirements, this can be achieved by adding a call and sending the results to the errorlog immediately before the application exits.

Compare the “Current Pool Size” to the PRGMAX setting, which if not set will be the default of 32MB.

If there is a significant difference, amend the value of PRGMAX, although always allow room for growth.

Leave the “EslMemStats” call in the production system and periodically check the errorlog for changes in the Pool Size. Update the PRGMAX, if this memory is likely to be exceeded.

If you are running multiple ESL applications within a single computer workstation, which require different memory settings, you may find the command line option “-m” more convenient than have multiple configuration files.