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Q23 Why does MEMSTATS report a small size than the WEB file?

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One of the traditional methods of checking the size of the memory being used was by creating a web file using the “save program as” statement. This traditional method is not recommended, since you cannot use the “save program as” within a subroutine and the statement also before a “squeeze memory” prior to actually saving the memory to a specified file. As the memory has been de-fragmented by the “squeeze”, some customers have expected the size of the WEB to be smaller than the memory pool allocation reported by the MEMSTATS function. Unfortunately the WEB file contains more than just the main ESL memory pool, since it needs to be able to be loaded into different address ranges. To enable the re-location of objects to new address, an adjustment table is created and appended onto the WEB file. This additional table, together with a file header section and padding, as the main memory pool is written in blocks of 4K, will typically mean that the WEB file is larger than the MEMSTATS function reports.