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Q4  Why is the PRGSIZE parameter now used?

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When ESL was implemented on the Windows 32bit (version 5) it was thought the “PRGSIZE” would not required as more memory could be allocated dynamically as it was needed. Unfortunately, testing has uncovered an error associated within the memory allocation for large structures. If ESL has to request more memory to be allocated for a number of structures within a single ESL statement, then ESL’s memory becomes corrupted leading to unexpected behavior later in the processing. The initial solution to this problem was to set the “MEMINCR” parameter to ensure the ESL has sufficient memory committed to prevent the need to allocate more at startup. The potential fault is that the “MEMINCR” is also used when committing more memory as the ESL application is running, therefore ESL will waste memory by committing more than is needed. To ensure the best use of memory, the “PRGSIZE” parameter has been implemented, allowing the ESL developer to allocate the require memory at startup to prevent any problems caused by large structures whilst keeping the “MEMINCR” low to ensure efficiency.