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Q1 What are the basic considerations when developing an ESL application that will run on more than one screen resolution?  

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There are a few things that you should consider when you start your development process in order to make your application appear consistent across different resolutions. It is much easier to keep these things in mind at the start of your development, because it may not be easy to resolve problems later. What follows is a description of what your options are and the effect of choosing each option available to you, as well as some special considerations to keep in mind.

The most important factor in developing an ESL application that will run on different screen resolutions is how you define your screen size.

You have 3 options:

screen size dialog units

screen size device units

screen size X Y (where X and Y can be any numbers)

In defining a screen size, you are specifying the coordinate system that all your ESL objects will be drawn in. This coordinate system will always take up the whole screen, but the number of units in it will vary based on your screen size definition and the monitor resolution..