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Q2 Why are Dialog Regions, Dialog Boxes and controls different?

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One very important point that is easily misunderstood in developing an ESL application for Windows is that Dialog Regions, Dialog Boxes and Dialog Controls are always drawn in dialog units. They are not drawn in ESL units.

The size of a dialog unit is based solely on the screen resolution and calculated as 1/4 of the average width and 1/8 of the maximum height of the system font.

Therefore, a higher resolution screen will have more dialog units per screen than a lower resolution screen. Subsequently, a dialog object defined with a specific size in ESL will appear smaller on a higher resolution screen than on a lower resolution screen.

Dialog Regions, Dialog Boxes and Dialog Controls are sized independently of the screen size you have defined in your ESL application.

All other ESL objects are sized based on the screen size specified within your ESL application.