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Q4 How can you ensure ESL objects are drawn the same size regardless of screen resolution?

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By specifying a screen size definition with a discrete number of units for the x-coordinate and y-coordinate values, this will set up a link between the X and Y values specified in the ESL screen size and the number of pixels on the screen. This permits all ESL objects to be drawn in a coordinate system with the same number of units for each resolution the application is run on.

For example, a screen size of 640 by 480 will set up an ESL coordinate system of 640 by 480 units, which will not vary between resolutions. This method can be used to ensure that all your ESL objects will appear the same size when run on different resolutions. Take again the graphical region sized 600 by 450, this time in an application developed with a screen size of 640 by 480. Since the coordinate system is always 640 by 480 units, this object will always take up most of the screen, whether run on an XGA monitor or on a VGA monitor. Keep in mind that this applies only to ESL objects.