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ESL Documentation

The initial design for these functions was to extract information from standard "web pages", however, additional functionality has been added, allowing programmers to code interfaces to resources like "web services". As the ESL Web is a comparatively new library, we are keen to enhance its facilities, therefore we welcome any suggested improvements. All comments and suggestions should be emailed to the ESL Help Desk.

The functions are summarized in the following table:



Transfer a file of data from the Web Host to the Workstation using the File Transfer Protocol.


Transfer a file of data to the Web Host from the Workstation using the File Transfer Protocol.

FTPFile( )

Transfer a file of data between the Workstation and the Web Host using the File Transfer Protocol.


Create a Globally Unique Identifier.

HTTPGet( )

Retrieves the specified web page.

HTTPPost( )

Sends form data to a web resource and retrieves the resultant web page.

HTTPPostWithHdr( )

The facility is the same as the HTTPPost except allows the default header to be replaced with a specified string, allowing access to more complex resources such as "web services".

URLDecode( )

Converts an encoded string, back to its original version.

URLEncode( )

Converts a string containing reserved characters into a string that can be sent across the internet.

Be sure to include before using any of these.

See the individual function descriptions for more information.