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ESL Documentation

From the Code option of the generate menu you may either save the current query or make the query part of an entire ESL application.

By selecting the Generate Query option, the current SQL statement will be stored in a user specified file.  The query will be automatically assigned a name during the save process.

If you select the Generate Application option, a new ESL application may be generated for the completed SQL select statement, or the code for the query may be added to an ESL application previously generated by the ESL SQL Wizard.

When processing an ODBC data base, there is an additional option to generate a Batch process application. This option may create a  new ESL application, or the batch processing code for the query may be added to an existing ESL SQL Wizard generated application. With batch processing, the array statements (i.e. astmt, aval and aexec) are used to improve processing efficiency, as SQL statements are only compiled the first-time they are used.

Each time ESL SQL Wizard generates code for a SQL select statement, ESL SQL Wizard looks for the file, ESLSQL.EAL.

If ESLSQL.EAL does not exist, ESL SQL Wizard will create a new, complete ESL application for the SQL transaction.  ESLSQL.EAL will be created along with the set of ESL include files which make up the application.

Once ESLSQL.EAL exists or if it existed already, ESL SQL Wizard creates the include file which contains the new SQL statement, adds an entry for that include file to ESLSQL.EAL, and adds a menu choice for the transaction to the file, MENUBAR.INC.  The name of the SQL transaction include file is used as the name for the choice in the menu.


Test SQL