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ESL Documentation

Attribute Definition

Define a help panel ID of an ESL object or item.

For Objects:

[extended] helpid is HELP_ID

For Items:

helpid is HELP_ID


Make this the extended help panel ID for this region and its children.


A string or integer value representing the help panel identifier. This should match a help panel topic defined in the library specified by the help library declaration.


Use this statement to define the ID of the help panel you want displayed when the user requests help for an ESL object or item.

HELP_ID can be a literal or an expression. If it is an expression, it is evaluated at the time the object is created. Therefore, for dynamic objects, the expression is evaluated at runtime.

There is no reason to specify a help ID for an object that never gets the focus (for example, static text, group boxes, and sense regions).

To print the help ID of every statically-defined ESL object into the errorlog, use the production compiler switch -helpid. Objects without help IDs are also indicated.

A help ID can be a string or an integer value:

If you use a string as a HELP_ID, the string will map to a context string within the help text file. Valid context strings may contain alphanumerics, as well as the period (.) and underscore (_) characters.

If you use integers as helpids, the maximum value HELP_ID can have is 32,767.

The integer value 0 does not direct Windows Help to display the "Using Help" panel.



dialog region FileOpen_DR

 size 200 150

 at 100 100

 extended helpid is "FileOpenDR Help"


default push button OK

 size 38 12

 at 42 9 in FileOpen_DR

 helpid is "FileOpenDR OK Help"


choice Open_MC text "~Open"

 helpid is 54

See Also

help library Environment Declaration

helpid Response Inquiry Built-in Function

helpid of Object Inquiry Built-In Function

make helpid Action Statement

set keys helpid Action Statement