When a floating point value is used where an integer is expected, the floating point value will be truncated at the decimal point; the value will not be rounded. When an integer value is used where a floating point is expected, an implicit type conversion will take place (for example, the integer 10 will become the floating point 10.00).
When you convert floating point values to integer values, remember that the integer value range is -2 to the 31st to ((2 to the
31st) -1). Any floating point values outside this range are invalid when you convert them.
If an expression contains both integer and floating point values, all integer values will be converted to floating point values before the expression is evaluated. To obtain the precision desired when using floating point variables in expressions, it is better to specify:
copy (5.0/2) to FloatNum # 2.50 is copied to FloatNum
instead of:
copy (5/2) to FloatNum # 2.00 is copied to FloatNum