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make column readonly and make column editable

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Action Statement

Make a column read-only or editable.

make column COL_ID of TABLE_NAME {readonly|editable}


The identifier for a column.


The identifier for a table.


Use this statement to make the cells in a specifiied column read-only or editable. The user can only edit the values in the column if the whole table is also editable.



response to item ColReadOnly from Menu

 copy true to Flag

 action GetColFlag

 if (InputOK) then

         copy "make column " X " of Table " to MsgStr

         if (Flag) then

                 append "readonly" to MsgStr

                 make column X of Table readonly

         else append "editable" to MsgStr

                 make column X of Table editable

         end if

         action SendMsg

 end if # InputOK

See Also

make editable and make readonly Action Statement