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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Control ESL's processing of responses to stimuli from a stimulus library.

make stimulus disposition {STIMULUS_NAME | all} {normal | hold}


The identifier for the stimulus. If STIMULUS_NAME does not exist, an error is issued at runtime.


Affect the dispositions of all stimulus libraries.


Invoke all events received. This is the default disposition for a stimulus library.


Save events received until a make stimulus disposition ... normal statement is executed, at which time the saved events are invoked.


Use this statement to place input from one or all stimulus libraries on hold, thereby controlling the disposition of a stimulus library as the flow in your application requires. ESL will queue stimulus events for your program while the disposition is held, then invoke the events when the disposition returns to normal.

ESL will process stimuli from a single stimulus library in the order in which they are generated. The order of events among stimulus libraries is also maintained.

There is no limit, other than available memory, to the number of messages that can be held.



response to stimulus StimulusName1

 make stimulus disposition StimulusName2 hold


response to start

 make stimulus disposition all hold