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ESL Documentation

Special Inquiry Built-in Function

Return the identifiers for the current objects in a class.

members of CLASS_NAME


The identifier for a class.


The value returned by the members of function is a string of names of all the objects in the specified class, separated by spaces. If any name in the class is ambiguous, ESL returns the object's entire ancestry for clarification.

If you specify ancestry when you add an object to a class, the members of function returns the object name along with that ancestry.

If the class does not contain any objects, the members of function returns the null string.



response to Change

 copy 100 to XPos

 extract from members of PrintColors

         take word PrintStr # Reset marker;

         # get first object.

 change PrintStr position to XPos 40 in Print2

 copy (XPos + 100) to XPos

 while (marker < length of members of PrintColors) loop

         extract from members of PrintColors

                 skip to marker

                 take word PrintStr

         change PrintStr position to XPos 40 in Print2

         copy (XPos + 100) to XPos

 end loop

See Also

class Definition