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ESL Documentation

You can use the following variables to define regular expressions, a sequence of characters, needed for pattern matching on the title bar caption strings:

For top-level windows use:



WinTitle2 ... 


For child windows use:



MDITitle2 ... 



You can define up to 20 regular expressions. NumWinTitles (or NumMDITitles) is assigned an integer value that is the exact number of regular expressions that are assigned to the WinTitle<n> (or MDITitle<n>) variables.  You generally define more than one regular expression because it is often impossible to represent all of the possible window captions with a single expression. Also, in some cases, the caption changes depending on whether the emulator window is minimized, maximized, or in its normal (restored) state. All of these possible captions must be represented.

When any of the defined regular expressions matches a window title bar caption of any one of the top-level windows in the system, the window search terminates, and the handle of the window containing that caption is used for subsequent window manipulation.

If more than one host session is active, the short session ID must be displayed somewhere in the window caption so that the correct emulator window is recognized. Usually, the captions of each session are identical except for a single letter representing the short session ID. You can use the tilde (~) to represent the short session ID.

The setting of the regular expressions is an essential task if certain ECS functions are to be used. It can also be a complex process, especially if the Emulator title contains special symbols and irregular spacing. To assist the setting of this set of parameters the ESL Fields utility has features to both test the settings and if needed capture the current Emulator title, so it can be pasted into the ECS configuration file.