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ESL Documentation

Configuration Command

Set the prompt string.

prompt STRING 


A string value representing the text you want displayed as the prompt string. The default string is "SQL> ".


The prompt string is displayed after each command is executed, signaling the completion of that command. When this command is issued, the string is the rest of the command line, including white space, up to the statement terminator. This means the prompt string can be more than one word. To enter leading spaces or tabs, use the backslash (\) character. The program always issues a linefeed immediately following display of the prompt.

This program will not display the prompt until at least one command has been issued. An ESL program can set the prompt to a specific string that can be used in a command like the following:

response to line col 1 "SQL> " from SQL

This allows your application to set the prompt to a unique string that will not be confused with data resulting from a database server query. The program can therefore invoke a different response to the prompt than that invoked upon receipt of query results. It is also useful for determining when to exit a guarded block.


response to start

 start local SQL "eslsql"

 send "prompt Prompt> \n" to SQL


response to line "Prompt> " from SQL # Get another command