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ESL Registry Library

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The ESL Registry Library contains functions that allow your ESL application to access the Windows Registry, which is recommended as the place to store application settings; however, can be used to store any persistent data required by your application provided the volume of data is strictly limited. The recommended limit for any entry is 2048 bytes. The library currently supports 3 data types:


Binary data in any form.


A 32-bit number equivalent to an ESL integer value.


Null-terminated string which will be converted to an ESL string.

Whilst this is limited subset of the data types available, they are sufficient for most application settings. Also there is no function to enumerate the individual entries within a keys, as it is expected that the application will be aware of each entry when the application is built. There is also no function to flush the cache of entries to the hard disk, as this is performed automatically and the use of the flush facility can adversely performance.

Microsoft recommends that the registry should not be left open for more than absolutely necessary, therefore we suggest your application; opens, processes and closes the registry key within a single response, i.e. not left open awaiting another event to occur. You must also ensure your application does not update or delete, any registry key that it does not own.

Please refer to the following main topics:


Example Routines