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Responses from ESLPR

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This version of ESLPR has an extensive set responses. Each print request sent to ESLPR will receive one of the following responses:

"DONE" - The file has been passed successfully to the Windows Spooler.

"EXIT" - The "EXIT" command has been processed and the local application must be stopped.

or one of the following error messages, which are now all prefixed by the word  "ERROR" in uppercase.

Note. Previous versions of ESLPR used some uppercase, but  the majority of messages were prefixed by a mixed case "Error".

ERROR: Specified file name too long: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The filename parameter is limited to 256 characters in length.

ERROR: Can't get file name.
The FILE command option has been specified, but there is no following filename.

ERROR: Insufficient lines per page.
The number of lines specified by the PAGESIZE command option is larger than the LINESPERPAGE option, if specified, or, larger than the number of lines that can be fitted onto a page. The lines per page excludes any specified top margin (command option TOP).

ERROR: Invalid page size: xxxxxxx
The parameter following the PAGESIZE command option is not numeric.

ERROR: Invalid lines per page: xxxxxxx
The parameter following the LINESPERPAGE command option is not numeric.

ERROR: Invalid Margin Width: xxxxxxxxx
The parameter following the MARGIN command option is not numeric.

ERROR: Invalid Top Margin: xxxxxxxxxx
The parameter following the TOP command option is not numeric.

ERROR: LPT is obsolete. Use PRINTER printername.
An LPT port address has been specified. ESLPR now requires the printername to be specified or the LISTPRINTERS command option be specified, else the default printer will be used.

ERROR: Specified printer name too long: xxxxxxxxxxx
The printername parameter is limited to 127 characters in length.

ERROR: Specified parameter too long: xxxxxxxxxxx
The parameter is limited to;

127 characters for printername,

32 for fontname and

256 for file.

ERROR: Can't get printer name.
The PRINTER command option has been specified, but there is no following printername.

ERROR: Specified font name too long: xxxxxxxxxxx
The fontname parameter is limited to 32 characters in length.

ERROR: Can't get font name.
The FONT command option has been specified, but there is no following fontname.

ERROR: Unrecognized command: xxxxxxxxxxx
An unknown word has been found in the command string. This error is typically caused by embedded blanks in either the printername or filename parameters. If the command does contain embedded blanks, it is recommended that you use double quotes to enclose the parameter to ensure that the command string is unambiguous .

ERROR: Can't open file: xxxxxxxxxxxx
The specified filename cannot be opened for reading. This is caused by either the specified file not existing, or by the file being locked by another process.

ERROR: 'FILE filename' is required.
No filename has been specified. This is the minimum requirement of a ESLPR command string.

ERROR: No printer selected.
When the select printer dialog has been displayed, either because the LISTPRINTERS command has been specified, or there is no default printer, or the specified printername cannot be opened, the User may bypass the print by pressing the cancel button on the dialog. As this error message is caused by the User's inter-action with the application, you may wish handle this message differently to the other messages.

ERROR: Can't open printer: xxxxxxxxxx
After the select printer dialog has been displayed, this message will be issued if the User does not have permission to open the selected printer or the required access to the print server.

ERROR: Can't start print job.
The required printer or print server is not available to perform the print.

ERROR: Can't start next copy.
There is a problem reading the file. This would occur if the file has been deleted before all the copies of the print have been produced.

ERROR: Can't write to printer.
Windows is unable to send data to the spooler for the specified printer.

ERROR: Can't close final page.
Windows is unable to finish the print.

ERROR: Can't close print job.
Windows is unable to close the print job.

ERROR: Can't allocate memory for header filename.
When truncating the filename to appear in the header of a report, ESL needs to obtain memory from the operating system. This message means that ESL was unable to get the required memory.

ERROR: Unrecognized file format: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The truncation of a filename is performed intelligently and works with currently used filename formats. Please report this error to the ESL Help Desk, as it means a new filename format needs to added to the supported types.

ERROR: Unable to truncate filename sufficiently: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The truncation of a filename for a header stops when only the base filename, that is, with no path or file extension, is left. This message is issued if the base filename is still too long to fit into space available in the header line.

ERROR: Too many lines per page specified.
When the LINESPERPAGE option is specified, there must be enough room on the page to print the number of lines, without overlapping the print.

ERROR: Too few lines per page specified.
When the LINESPERPAGE option is specified, there must be sufficient lines to print headers (if specified), the TOP margin and at least one line of text.

ERROR: There are no installed printers.
ESLPR is unable to find a printer installed on the computer to use.

ERROR: Failure on EnumPrinters printers call.
Windows failed to provide a list of printers for ESLPR to use.

ERROR: Can't get a device context for the printer.
Windows was unable to allocate the memory structure needed to print a text document.