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ESL Documentation

Response Definition

Respond to the selection of an item.

[interrupt] response to item





Allow ESL to leave and return to any block currently executing, except a guarded block, when the response is stimulated. ESL will first finish any current action statements from a response in the block, then execute the actions in the interrupt response, and finally return to the block to await a new stimulus from within the original block.


The identifier for an item.

from AB_NAME

The identifier for an action bar template. The action bar name must be specified if more than one template contains an item of the given name. It cannot be specified if the item was defined outside of an action bar template.


The identifier for a class of items.


The identifier for a region containing the item. If a region is specified, the response will be taken only for the item in that region or class of regions. Otherwise, the response will be taken for all regions that contain the given item.


The identifier for a class of regions.


An action statement.


Use this response definition to respond to the user's selection of an item, of any item in a class, or of any action bar item in any region.

You can write a response for any button in an action bar or for any choice in a pulldown. You cannot write a response for an action bar or a pulldown.

The response will be invoked only if the specified item is enabled at the time that it is selected.

If response to item ITEM_CLASS_NAME is used, the selection of any item in the class will stimulate the response.

During the response, the built-in functions object and ancestry contain, respectively, the name of the item selected and the name of the region, with ancestry, that contains the item. (This behavior is identical to that of specific item responses.)


interrupt response to item Exit from Master_ActionBar in Master


response to item ItemClass

  copy ancestry to Parent

  copy text of item object in Parent to
