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ESL Documentation

Response Definition

Respond to a block being left implicitly.

response to termination



An action statement.


This statement can be specified within a block to trigger an action whenever that block is left implicitly. This statement is not taken when the block is left explicitly with the leave block keywords.

Note that you cannot use a leave block statement with a response to termination response definition.

This statement cannot contain a block, nor can it contain a reference to any action routine or subroutines that contain a block. If it does, an irrecoverable runtime error may occur, and no error message will be generated.


enabled graphical region Name size 50 20

at position 0 100 border

disabled invisible key TypeName

at position 10 10 in Name


enabled graphical region Number size 50 20

at position 100 100 border

response to Name

make TypeName visible


response to char "\n" from keyboard

leave block

response to char from keyboard

add to TypeName

text input

response to termination

make TypeName invisible
