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Saving a New Top-Level Object

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During the course of editing a user interface, you may have created new ESL objects which are children of the desktop.  These objects and their children are not yet associated with an ESL program file or include file.

In order for a Save or Save As operation to take place, you must tell the Layout Editor where you want to store each of these objects and their children.  The Layout Editor will prompt you with the Set File for New Objects dialog box for each top-level object.  You may choose one of the opened project files or identify a new file.

To choose an opened file for the new top-level object and its children

1.Select a file from the Project Files list box.

2.Click OK to proceed with the Save operation.  If you click Cancel, the Save operation will be cancelled.

To choose a new file for the new top-level object and its children

1        Click the Add New File button.

2        In the Enter New File Name dialog box, type the name of a new file, or select the name of an existing file to be overwritten.

3        Click OK to return to the Set File for New Objects dialog box.

4        Click OK.

To use a file for all new top-level objects and their children

Check the Save All New Objects check box.  The Layout Editor will not prompt you for each new top-level object for this Save or Save As command.