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Setting/Querying Profile Information

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ESL APPC subroutines are provided for you to both query and update ESL APPC profile information. Most of the ESL APPC profile information required is the same as that required to configure APPC in your communications program profiles, and can be obtained from the same sources. ESL APPC profile information is used by the two ESL APPC TPs (ESLAPPCI.EXE and ESLAPPCA.EXE) to establish the ESL APPC session.

Profile information used by the initiator TP (ESLAPPCI.EXE) is stored in the file ESLAPPCI.INI; acceptor TP profile information is stored in ESLAPPCA.INI. Both of these files must reside in the Windows System directory, which is typically C:\Windows. Multiple profiles (for example, representing different APPC configurations) can be put into each profile file.

Typically, ESL APPC profile information is created once, then used repeatedly. If the ESL program you write to do APPC communications is an initiator, at least one initiator profile must exist in the ESLAPPCI.INI file before your program attempts to initiate its first APPC session. Similarly, if your ESL program is an acceptor, at least one acceptor profile must exist in the ESLAPPCA.INI file. If your program both initiates and accepts, both types of profile information must be present.

The ESL program you write to do APPC communications can also create or update the profile information, or you can write a separate ESL program that does only profile maintenance. A sample program (APPCPROF.EAL) that does only profile maintenance is provided.

There are two sets of profile subroutines. The following three subroutines query and maintain profiles used by ESL APPC programs that initiate APPC conversations:


The following three subroutines query and maintain profiles used by acceptor ESL APPC programs (programs that accept initiation requests):


ESL APPC Profile Subroutines

The following are the ESL APPC profile subroutines:  


call APPCSetInitProfile ( PROFILE_NAME,










                          EBCDIC_TABLE )



call APPCGetInitProfileNames ( PROFILE_NAMES )


call APPCSetAcceptProfile ( PROFILE_NAME,






                            EBCDIC_TABLE )


call APPCGetAcceptProfile ( PROFILE_NAME,





                            EBCDIC_TABLE )


call APPCGetAcceptProfileNames ( PROFILE_NAMES )