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Specifying an ESL file

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The Open option on the File menu brings up the Open dialog box.

To specify the name of the file you want to open

1.To view the available files in the current directory, select ESL Program files (*.eal), ESL Include files (*.inc), Custom (*.hdr),  or All Files (*.*) from the List Files of Type list box.

2.Select the name of the file you want to open.

3.Click OK.

If you specified an ESL Include file, the Layout Editor brings up the Screen Size and Optional Files dialog box where you specify a screen size for the objects and optionally specify a definition file and template file.

If you specified an ESL Program file, the Layout Editor displays the File Open dialog box while it reads in the file.


Any file named in an include statement within the file you specify will also be opened.

You can customize the entry "Custom (*.hdr)" in the List Files of Type list box to list files named with extensions other than .hdr.  To set up custom extensions within the Layout Editor, enter *.ext in the File Name entry field, where 'ext' is an extension you use to identify include files in your ESL program.  You can set up more than one custom extension by typing *.ext;*.ext;...  The Layout Editor saves these custom extensions so that they are available for your next editing session.  The next time you use the Layout Editor, you will see Custom (*.ext) or Custom (*.ext;*.ext).