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Using 3270/5250 Support with ESL

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ESL uses the ESLCMSRV.INC and ESLCMSRV.DLL files, which contain all of ESL's ECS subroutines.

These are installed as part of the normal installation procedure and should not be (re)moved.

To ensure that ECS files are not being used in the wrong environments, follow these steps when installing the ESLCMSRV.INI and ESLCSRV.DLL files.

When you include the file ESLCMSRV.INC in your application, do not specify the full path. For example, specify INCLUDE "ESLCMSRV.INC" and not INCLUDE "C:\Program Files\EslSyndetic\ESLCMSRV.INC". Without the fully qualified path, the production compiler searches the include path (INCPATH).

Ensure that the INCPATH in is set correctly in the EslConfig.ini file for the production compiler. By setting the INCPATH for the appropriate product, you can compile the appropriate code into your application.

You may find some differences in the timing, depending on many factors (platform, tracing, memory, emulator, etc.), so an application that is synchronized correctly in development may not work the same in production. However, these cases are rare. You may need to fine-tune any watch criteria used for the EcsWatch or EcsWatchAndWait subroutines (see ECS Subroutines).

When running your ESL application, make sure you are using a 3270 emulator that has been tested with your version of ESL. Several Windows emulators do not provide all the HLLAPI functions needed to properly work with ESL. Even if your emulator does provide full HLLAPI support, your must make an entry in the ESLCMSRV.INI file for your emulator to work successfully. If you are uncertain about any emulators, please contact the ESL Help Desk or read this documentation and Release Notes provided with the ESL software.