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ESL Documentation

Utility subroutines are provided to assist you in converting ASCII and EBCDIC strings, and also to retrieve information about an APPC conversation in progress.

Note that the APPCConvertE2A subroutine does not need to be used if a value of APPC_Convert is used for the AUTO_CONVERT argument on the APPCSendString call. APPCConvertE2A is typically used to convert the EBCDIC information returned to the APPCGetInfo subroutine into ASCII.

ESL APPC Utility Subroutines

The following are the utility subroutines:


call APPCConvertA2E     ( CONVERSATION_ID,





                          EBCDIC_TABLE )    

call APPCConvertE2A     ( STRING,




                          EBCDIC_TABLE ) 

call APPCGetInfo             ( CONVERSATION_ID,












                          USER_ID )