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SOURCE ESL Source  (View menu)

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Displays the ESL source code for the currently selected object in an ESL Source window.  If a group of objects is selected, the ESL source code for the primary selection will be displayed.  You can also bring up an ESL Source window from the pop-up menu for an object.  

From the ESL Source window, you can copy the object definition to the Windows clipboard and then paste it into an editor.  The ESL Source window displays the complete object definition for the object, including any insert statements or comments which are part of the object's definition in the opened ESL program or include file.

To copy the definition of the object to the Windows clipboard

1.Select the text you want to copy.  If no text is selected, the entire definition is copied.

2.Click the Copy button.

To see the current state of the object reflected in the Source window

Check the Update check box.  When you size or move the object in the Screen Editor, the new size or position will be updated in the ESL Source window.  When you apply a change to an attribute in the Attribute Editor, the change will also be reflected in the object definition within the ESL Source window.


If you delete an object from the Screen Editor and the Update check box is checked, the ESL Source window for the object will be removed.

To freeze the definition for the object in the Source window

Uncheck the Update check box.  If you then modify any of the object's attributes in the Screen Editor or the Attribute Editor, the object definition will not reflect the change.


The word "outdated" will be added to the title bar of the ESL Source window when the object definition no longer reflects the current state of the object.

If you delete the object from the Screen Editor and Update is not checked, the Update check box becomes disabled and the ESL Source window remains displayed.

See also:

Using the Screen Editor

Editing the Attributes of an Object